Well as you can tell by my title it hasn't been easy around here these past few weeks. Turbo Kitty's pancreantitis is back and we are having a hard time getting him to eat without throwing up or it coming out as pudding poos. We think we have it under control for now but he's such an old man so who knows when his tummy will act up again.
Then mom gets the flu, and I mean big time flu. She was out of work for a week which was really fun having her home, but she kept telling me she was too sick to play ball. WTF?! I mean, yah she was sick and she slept all day long but still - I had an opportunity to play ball for hours every day for a week and she couldn't do it. What a weenie... She's feeling much better but she's still not up to par yet.
Now the recent bad news - both of Anniebelle's knees fell apart! The ligaments have torn and

On the other hand, the good news is that I came in second for the semi-finals of the Tail Waggins Bakery contest. That was neat-o! I didn't win the finals but that's okay because my good buddy Doc won and he is going to split the basket of treats he gets with me. Yippee! Doc's mom works for American Brittany Rescue and is such a good lady, she takes in fosters and helps out with special events. Even better, she's the mom to my girlfriend Dazy Dew! Oh Dazy - you make my heart go pitter pat!!!!
Anyway, that's what's going on with the hounds here in Whittier. I hope all of you are doing okay and thank you so much for your votes!!! I really appreciate it!
Boomer the freaky boy!