Today Boomer said I could update his blog because I'm such a good girl. My parents are so proud of me and the way my leg is healing. Here are some pictures...

This first picture is when I got my bandage taken off. You can see the scar that runs down my leg. It looks painful, and I hobbled a bit but at least I could walk better without the bandage.

This second picture is how my leg looks now. The doctor said that I'm healing ahead of schedule - that's because I'm such a good little girl. He also said that I'm 90% healed and in two weeks he's going to take away all my restrictions from running and jumping. Mom calls me her little "pork chop" because she said that's what my leg looks like, a pork chop.

Here I am all happy that I'm healing up so well. Hi Simon!!!
Now the not so good news. We think that Turbo Kitty has cancer in his gallbladder. The doctors

Lastly, here is a picture of Snickers, isn't he adorable?!! Mom tried to take a picture of Boomer but he wouldn't hold still - he was chasing after birdies. Don't catch the birdies Boomer - just chase them!!!!