Mom: Well Boom, we have been really busy with work, knitting, visiting family, etc...
Boomer: blah blah blah... When are you going to put us pooches above everything?
Mom: We do honey, just look at our checking account! All of our money goes to vet bills, toys, food, treats, etc... You all are very high maintenance!
Boomer: Listen, just because Snickers and I ate the Duraflame logs last week and Nicks had to go to emergency doesn't mean we are "high maintenance".
Mom: Okay Boomer, you go on thinking that.
Boomer: Thank you mom, I will
Mom has been one busy knitter lately so I will post some of her projects:
This is Christmas scarf is for Shelby, Anniebelle not included:

Then she made some sockies for her mother-in-law for Christmas:

Now she's working on a pair of sockies for herself:

And finally, here is a picture of the Entrelac shawl she knitted a while back:

On a very sad note, mom heard a couple of weeks ago that Simon and Scarlett went to the Rainbow Bridge and Annie, and mom and the rest of us are most crushed. But with the sadness a blessing in Tommy has come about and I'm sure that Shelly will love her new little brother just as much as she loved Simon and Scarlett.
Turbo kitty is still hanging in there - he's one tough little guy! Mom and dad are keeping him as comfortable as possible, and he's taking full advantage of it.
And lastly, a picture of me:

Yah, it's a small picture but only you couldn't handle my gorgeousness if the pic were any bigger.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!!!!