Sunday, June 17, 2007

Here's Annie!

Hi Everyone!!!

It's me, Annabelle! Boomer said I can update everyone on what's going on in our little neck of the woods.

First of all, don't I look cute? I like the little mustache below my nose. Normally women shouldn't have mustaches below their noses but momma says it's okay for me because I'm a dog.

Mom has been knitting a whole bunch. She learned how to make socks and she says she's addicted. Do you think she needs to go into rehab like Brittany Spears or Lindsy Lohan?! I hope not because I don't think they let animals in for visits!

Here's a picture of the socks she just started. The yarn is made from wool and bamboo. I hope a panda doesn't come along and try and eat her socks!

Here's a closeup of the socks, I like the colors, pretty yet subdued.

Here's the first pair of socks mom made. They are made out of a brand of wool called Malabrigo and she says it's hand dyed, that's why you see the pretty streaks. They kind of match me, don't you think?????

And lastly, here is Turbo Kitty. He's doing so much better now. He's walking and eating tons and tons. He lost a lot of weight so it's good that he's eating lots of food.

Now I know that I shouldn't do this but I thought you might like these pictures of him - it's pictures of mom and dad giving him his medicine. Tee-hee. I shouldn't laugh, I can't laugh - nope, I'm laughing... They have to hold a napkin under him because he tries to spit out his medicine.

Wow, he's one pissed off kitty!!!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

ur mum had some great knitting skills...did she knit some mini stocking for u too?

Joe Stains said...

those socks look so nice, good job mom!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh, the socks look great..

~ girl girl

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Annabelle! Jeannie says she used to have a cat just like yours, he was called Monty.

The knitting looks good!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx ;0)

wally said...

So long as your mum isn't knitting while she drives she should avoid a Lohan.


Finnegan said...

Beautiful knitting! My mommy can't knit and it makes her sad. We are so glad that Turbo kitty is doing better.



FleasGang said...

Hi Annie! I can't believe you finally got to do a little blogging on your own :-) Those socks your mama is making sure look comfy. She's pretty talented. I guess we know what everyone is getting for Christmas this year! And we're glad Turbo Kitty is feeling better (even though he is a cat)

The FleasGang

Snowball said...


Those socks are really nice. My jie jie was interested in knitting once but as the weather here is very hot, she cant use those things that she knitted much except the handphone pouches.
