Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I'm So Sorry

You know, I haven't had time to write lately and Boomer is quite upset with me about that. It's just that I have been so busy with the holidays now in full swing. My mom has more surgery scheduled on the 19th of December (nothing like what she had - she's still cancer free!) and I will have to take care of her for a couple of days. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for not updating Boomer's site. I know it doesn't draw a lot of people but still...

Hopefully the new year will bring more free time, if not I might have to wind this site down. Or do you think I should leave it and only update it once in a while. Boomer is a very opinionated dog so I am sure he would want to speak up once in a while.

I also apologize for not stopping by other poochie blogs lately - it's not that I don't want to, it's just the whole time issue. I hope you understand.

Blessings to you and yours and I am planning on getting the Hackler Hound's Christmas cards mailed by early next week.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Boomer - the humans sometimes get caught up in other things and I'm sure if she had the time she'd be updating your blog for you. Sounds like she definitely has a bit on her plate at the moment. We look forward to your posts when you do them though.


FleasGang said...

We would be crushed if Boomer's blog went away! Even if you just update it every once in a while it would be alright with us. We'd miss seeing all your cute faces - especially Annie's!!

Merry Christmas
The FleasGang

Biggie-Z said...

Don't worry, Boomer. My mommy is still trying to update on THANKSGIVING, and I've had so many adventures since then!


L said...

Our girl gets really busy and neglects us too (ok, just the blog). We think you should leave it for the times when you do have time. We hope your mom's surgery goes well and she has a quick recovery. Thanks for the lovely postcard.
Comet and BLU

Jake of Florida said...

Hi Hacklers,

We are very impressed with your approach to the Christmas Card Exchange. Your photo is adorable, and we loved the idea of putting the USPS to work in creating cards for us dogs.

So thank you. We hope the surgery goes well, and now that we have just found you, don't go away!! From time to time is better than never.

Charlie said...

We too think you should keep the blog and just update it when you can. Thanks for the Christmas Card - that's such a cute picture of you guys!
- Charlie

p.s. Our paws are crossed on the surgery. Hope it goes well.

Duke said...

We got your beautiful Christmas card in the mail today, guys! Thank you so much!
We're sending major AireZen for your mom on the 19th!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Hi Hackler Hounds, nice to meet all of you. We got your Howliday card today. Thank you very much. We are having such a great time getting cards from all over the world! Have a safe and happy Howliday Season!! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Thank you very much for the card you sent us!!

Steve and Kat

Ricky Pepper said...

Hi and thanks for your postcard! Great idea and it's beautiful :)
Hope your mom's surgery goes as well as your cards did!

Kodak the Eskie said...

We wish you well on your surgery. Hope your recovery is quick.

Hugs and licks,


Girasol said...

I got your beautifull postal card...thank you!
I hope mon get nice to have mom at home.

wally said...

Dear Boomer,

I would be sad if you stopped blogging! I think everyone is understanding with the time stuff. Don't let your hobby stress you out.


Kapp pack said...

Our humans have been very busy too! Thanks for the card!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

the many Bs said...

Hi Booomer and your mom, Carol, we know people get busy. we're just glad to hear from you when we do.

thanks for the card!


wally said...

Hey dude,

I hope your ma's ma's surgery went swimmingly well and she recovers quickly.


wally said...

Boomer--Glad to hear about your Granny! Grannies are great, I know you and Annie (and your mom) will take great care of her!


Casper said...

Merry Christmas!!
No worries about the blog. Mommie spends so much time working on the computer that sometimes it takes me a while to blog also. Hope your Grannie does well.