She came home this morning and I was so excited that mom and dad thought I would step on her so they kept me away from her for a while. I do tend to step all over people and the other pooches when I'm all happy and goofy; I need to learn some manners - at least that's what mom says. I suppose she's right but I just am such a happy go lucky kind of guy that I can't help it.
Here are some pictures of our baby Annie. They aren't too gross but if you have a weak stomach like mom's boss (hi Mike!) then maybe you better look away.
Here's Annie with her pretty pink bandaged leg: Poor little gal is so tired from the pain

Lastly here is a close-up of her leg. She has some staples showing at the top which doesn't look nearly as bad as it sounds. Notice how many spots she has on her skin, isn't that cool? I thought she just had spots on her fur.
Annie goes back to the vet in five days to have the bandage removed then after another five days she has the staples removed. It's going to be at least 6-8 weeks before she's all well but hopefully it will go by fast for her. Bless her heart.
Annie says thank you for all your prayers and concerns. I'll update once she gets her bandage off and let you know how that goes.