Here's my nose, right here in prime kissing position. Go ahead, you know you want to.
Mom has been knitting away like a mad woman.

These are her Desert Rose Sockies. She had loads of fun making these, now if it would just cool down enough so she cold wear them.

Anywho - just wanted to let you all know that we are doing fine, even Turbo Kitty! He's such a tough little guy.
wow those socks are cool and that shawl is amazing. Your Mom is super talented, but I wish she'd let you rub on that soft yarn!
The socks are so lovely and the shawl is beautiful!
Hey Boomer I just found your blog! Do you mind if I link mine to yours? I like those socks ... they look warm :)
Simon just wanted to wish Annie a very happy Thanksgiving from his perch up in Heaven. Don't gobble up your turkey too fast!
luv from the bridge
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