Yesterday Turbo went to the great Scratching Post in the sky. The past week wasn't a good one for the little guy and so we brought him to Dr. T for another check-up. He had lost another pound, he was 16 pounds when he was healthy, he came in at 7 pounds yesterday. Doctor T then felt his stomach and said that the tumor had doubled. So we knew, it was time.
Turbo found us in 1993 and he couldn't have been more than 8 weeks old. Hubby was adamant about not keeping him but of course that didn't last long. We both fell in love with the little cat with the huge feet.
Throughout the years we watched him grow from this little fluffy thing to a huge 16 pound lug of a cat. He was more like a dog, he would play fetch with his toys, and we were able to wrestle around with him like you would a pooch. He was a lot of fun - he kept me company when hubby worked nights, he made us laugh, and as we found out recently, he made us cry.
It's hard getting use to the fact that I will no longer have Turbo to greet me at the door when I get home from work. We won't need to escort the dogs by him (he would attack any mutt that passed by him - they were terrified of him), We won't have the 5:00 a.m. wake up call, or a little kitty head poking out of his cat bed, checking to see if there is anything worthwhile going on. He wanted love on his terms, which meant be left alone a lot of the time, but when he wanted some lovin, he got it.
He was our first pet, and I find comfort in the fact that he led a good, long life. I watched Dr. T give him the first shot to make him sleepy and I held and kissed him goodbye. I left the room for the second shot, I just couldn't be there for it. Hubby and Dr. T took care of him from that point on. I really wish it didn't come to this but what are you going to do? I just hope he understands.
Many thanks to Dr. T and the staff at Washington Boulevard Animal Hospital for all their help and compassion through this tough time. It is greatly appreciated.
Hi guys. We just saw that Turbo Kitty decided it was his time to go to heaven. We're really sorry that he left but are happy that he's all better now, playing with his toys and chasing frightened pups. You were great parents to him and we're sure he knew just how lucky he was to find you. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
The Fleas
We are so sorry for your loss. We know that Turbo Kitty is running pain free at the Bridge. All pups need beware. You were so lucky that he was able to find you and share such a great life.
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