This is Turbo Kitty and I'm takin over.
I use to be the king of the castle, the master of my domain, the ruler of the home. I was numero uno, the big cheese, the head honcho, top cat. Then the humans brought canines into the home, without my permission. The whole home was my world, my oyster, dare I say - my empire. I'm not one to share my oyster with anyone or anything so I now have the back half of the house which includes the humans bedroom and the dogs have the front. Oh sure, I could go out in front with the canines but I do not mingle with such company.
But I have had enough, it's time for a revolt, it's time to launch a revolution, it's time to unleash the power of TURBO's TERROR (dum de dum dum).
I of course will be the leader since this whole operation is named after me but I have enlisted some help:

My Minister of Propaganda: Heir Boots
He shall politically woo any opponents that might get in our way. Here he is now pledging his loyalty to my cause.

Of course I had to pick someone who would bring fear into the eyes of any canine or human. I had to recruit a cat so cunning that nations would fear his name for generations to come. A cat so diabolical, so mischievous, that even I myself keep him close because I don't trust him. His name you ask?
Intimidation Expert: Heir Smudgie
Military operations will be conducted at night. My goal is to weaken the humans to the point that they will have no choice but to boot the dogs outside for good. We kitties have a tactic for reducing humans to such degrading depths, we poop in their shoes.
Who is this kitty that would dare risk life and limb for me?

Heir Peanut and his infrared nose
This home will once again be the pearl in my oyster. So help me God, I will rule again and the stinkin dogs can't stop me!