Hi Ho! As promised, here are some pictures from the dog show that my mom and dad went to on Saturday.

Here's a Wire Fox Terrier. He looks like he would rather be at home blogging than at the show.

Here's his cousin the Smooth Coat Fox Terrier. He couldn't hold still to take a picture but I got his profile. I like his face, with his little floppy ears. Too cute!

And here is the Flat Coat Retriever. Mom fell in love with this little guy. He was huge and he was still a young one, only a year old. They are great pooches, lots of fun and probably the silliest of the Retriever bunch.

And here are the Field Spaniels. The one on the right is the mom, Shirley and on the left her daughter Susie. Such sweet little girls.

Look out for this tough guy! He's a Dandie Dinmont Terrier and he's not one to mess with!

Here's an English Setter, he couldn't be bothered...

One day mom is going to get a Clumber Spaniel, one day.

Here's an Akita named Valentine. Look at her side, can you tell why?

And for all the Airedale people out there, here's a sweetie with a great profile! Look at those eyebrows!

Bassetts look so sad, even when they are happy. Don't you just want to moosh his face and give him kisses?!

Here is the majestic Belgian Tervuran. Need I say more?

And finally here a sweet American Water Spaniel. She was so tired, maybe it was because she is the NUMBER ONE American Water Spaniel in the country. Bless her little heart.
Well that's it - why you ask? Because mom and dad's camera died. Not a temporary death mind you, a major wire malfunction, send in to the factory and hope they can fix it kind of death. So there will be no pictures for a while but I'll still be updating.
I got SIX CARDS today, can you believe it?! We are so blessed to have so many poochie friends. God bless you all!!!