Boomer: Hey mom, what's the haps?
Mom: Not much Moomer-Noomers.
Boomer: Say, what happened to your knitting blog?
Mom: Oh Boomer, between your blog, work, and home stuff I didn't have time to update it so I just stopped updating it.
Boomer: A total pain in the a$$?
Mom: MOOMERS, where did you ever hear that?
Boomer: Well mom, you do swear like a sailor.
Mom: Yah but... oh okay, I should wash my mouth out with soap from time to time.
Boomer: Try every day mom.
Mom: Okay Moo's, I get it.
Boomer: Getting back to what I was going to talk to you about - I feel kind of bad that you stopped your other blog so I was thinking that I would share my blog with you.
Mom: You really mean that Boomer? That really would mean a lot to me.
Boomer: Sure, but you have to promise not to hog my blog up with all your knitting stuff. That's just not macho and you know I'm a macho dog.
Mom: I understand, you have a reputation to keep.
Boomer: Yes, yes I do.