I love to play with my tennis ball - it's my "art". Every day mom comes home from work and comes outside to greet us and she always has my "chuck-it" ball launcher in hand. When I see my chuck it I know it's time to play and I get all dippy. She'll chuck the ball, I'll run like mad to get it then bring it back, and then she'll throw it again. Over and over until I'm all warn out. I just love it.

What is Snickers and Annie doing while I'm playing? Well, they are either scratching the ground for grubs, or eating poop. Sometimes Snickers will run around like a goof, sometimes Annie will watch mom and I, but mostly it's grub and poop eating time.

Look at Annie's ear's in this picture, I just love them! Sometimes mom looks at her and cries. I think it's because someone treated Annie bad before she came to live with them. Mom shouldn't cry, Annie is safe and happy here at home.

Here's Snickers telling mom to hurry up and take the picture so he could go inside and eat! With Snickers, it's all about the food.

And finally, here's an up close picture of my face.
Kiss my nose baby, you know you want to!
Update on grandma: First of all, thank you to all of you who have kept grandma in your poochie prayers. The doctors think that they can remove the cancer through surgery so we are waiting to get that scheduled, hopefully in early March. Grandma's dog, Bob, is taking good care of her and will keep guard up until she goes into surgery, then mom and dad, and her brothers will take over from there. Bob is a good dog, a true Carin Terrier with a heart of gold.
Talk to you later my friends!